Hilary Topper

Hilary Topper is the CEO of HJMT Public Relations (http://www.hjmt.com).  She formed the firm 1992. Before that, she has worked at top public relations agencies in NYC. She was also the Director of Public Relations and Development for two non-profit organizations in New York City and Queens.

She is also the chief curator of HJMT Media Company, LLC, where she writes for two blogs – http://www.NYLifestyleBlog.com and http://www.ATriathletesDiary.com. Both blogs get more than 50,000 unique visitors a month. Her weekly podcast, which has been running since 2011, is called http://www.HilaryTopperonAir.com.

In addition to this, Hilary Topper just published her second book, Branding in a Digital World, which offers small business owners an opportunity to grow their businesses through digital media. This is Topper’s second book. Her first, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Social Media, but were afraid to ask… Building Your Business Using Consumer Generated Media was published in 2009.

Topper started a virtual triathlon team called http://www.WeRTriathletes.com, with members from around the globe in 2017. In addition to WeRTriathletes, Hilary Topper is a program director for Galloway Long Island and teaches the run/walk method every Saturday. Topper is a USA Triathlon Level 1 Coach.

Hilary Topper is an Adjunct Professor at Hofstra University where she teaches courses in digital communication, PR tools, and persuasive presentation for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Hilary has received numerous awards and honors for her accomplishments throughout the years from the Brava! Awards, PRWeek, Newsday, The Community Awards, International Association of Business Communicators. Long Island Business News, Girl Scouts of Nassau County, DiversityBusiness.com, and The Stevie Awards.

Hilary received her Bachelor of Science degree from Hunter College and her Master’s in Public Administration from Baruch College.

Special Chef Gerry Cooney

In the wild and wicked world of boxing, Gerry Cooney is a rarity: a fighter who has enjoyed success in and out of the ring. As a world-class heavyweight, Cooney advanced to number-one contender. In 1982, he challenged Larry Holmes in one of the most anticipated title fights in history. As a businessman, Cooney has promoted championship boxing shows, owned share of several minor league baseball teams, and founded F.I.S.T. (the Fighters’ Initiative for Support and Training), a non-profit organization which helped boxers make the transition from the ring to the real world by providing job readiness, training, and career assistance.